Catalogue Raisonné Jean Metzinger

Número: AM-11-022 Jean Metzinger
Date: 1911-12
Titre: La Femme au Cheval (Woman with a horse)
Technique: Huile sur toile
Dimensions: 162 x 130 cm
Collection: Statens Museum for Kunst, Denmark
Inscriptions: Signed (lower right)
Provenance: Jacques Nayral (Joseph Houot)
Niels Bohr, Denmark
Kai Grunth hos Winkel & Magnussen, auction no. 108, February 19, 1932, lot no. 119
Expositions: Salon des Indépendants, 20 March – 16 May 1912
Salon de la Section d’Or, 1912, no. 116
Der Sturm. International Kunst. Ekspressionister og kubister, Malerier og Skulpturer, Georg Kleis Kunsthandel, Copenhagen, an exhibition arranged by Herwarth Walden, 1918
Der Sturm, International Kunst, Ekspressionister og Kubister, Malerier og Skulpturer, Kleis Kunsthandel, København (Copenhagen) 1918, cat. no. 82 (titled Kone med hest)
Avantgarde : i dansk og europæisk kunst 1909-19, Sølvgade, Sep 2002 – Jan 2003
Picasso – Fortællinger fra Labyrinten Sølvgade, Oct 2010 – Feb 2011
The Avant-Gardes at War Bundes Kunsthalle, Bonn, Nov 2013 – Feb 2014
Cubism, Centre Pompidou, Paris, Oct 2018 – Feb 2019
Cubism, Kunstmuseum Basel, Mar 2019 – Aug 2019
Littérature: Guillaume Apollinaire, Les Peintres Cubistes, Méditations Esthétiques (The Cubist Painters, Aesthetic Meditations), Eugène Figuière Éditeurs, Collection Tous les Arts, Paris, 1913, reproduced.
The Bulletin, The Red Page, Vol. 34, No. 1762, 20 November 1913 (titled Woman on Horseback) reproduced.
Erik Zahle, Fransk maleri efter 1900, 1938, p. 19f, reproduced, n. 34.
Mogens Andersen, Omkring kilderne: Den moderne malerkunst. Artikler om kunst i udvalg ved Ole Storm, 1967, pp. 137-39, 321-322.
Inge Vibeke Raaschou-Nielsen, The ambiguous painting: Jean Metzinger’s Woman with a Horse (1911-12) and Henri Bergson, 1997, p. 126-35.
Dorthe Aagesen=ågesen, Avantgarde i dansk og europæisk kunst 1909-19, 2002, p. 124-133. p. 128.
Miller, A., 2002, Einstein, Picasso: space, time and the beauty that causes havoc, Basic Books, New York, 2001, pp. 166-169, 256-258.
Thomas Lederballe, Picasso: fortællinger fra labyrinten, 2010, fig. 6.
Cécile Debray, Marcel Duchamp la peinture, même, 2014, p. 141.
Megan Formato, Writing the Atom: Niels and Margrethe Bohr and the Construction of Quantum Theory. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, 2016, pp. 61-62
Julie S. Kleiva, Intertextualité surréaliste dans la poésie de René Char: Apparitions et réapparitions de l’image d’Artine, 2018, reproduced p. 128.
Notes: In a review of the 1912 Salon des Indépendants, Jean Laran, for Société de l’Histoire de l’Art Français, writes about Metzinger’s entries, notably La Femme au Cheval:
“Metzinger’s figure is only human through distant analogies. It’s a kind of articulated mannequin whose parts seem made with gears [rouages] of who knows what monstrous mechanism, connecting rods, nuts, rivets, levers, cranks. Yet we only catch a glimpse of them in the midst of an intimidating tangle of arcs of circles, straight or broken lines, solid or pointillist, generating a sketch of maddening purity.”
For detailed information on this painting consult the Wikipedia article titled La Femme au Cheval, and therein references, written and published by Alexander Mittelmann (aka Coldcreation) 16 December 2012, and the Metzinger monograph, Volume I.