Catalogue Raisonné Jean Metzinger

Número: AM-26-009 Jean Metzinger
Date: 1926
Titre: Nature morte au vase noir (Still Life with Black Vase)
Technique: Huile sur toile
Dimensions: 60 x 80.5 cm
Inscriptions: Signed (lower center-right)
Collection: Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, Netherlands
Provenance: Léonce Rosenberg, Galerie l’Effort Moderne, Paris.
Expositions: Salon des Tuileries, Palais de Bois, no. 1450 (unconfirmed)
Littérature: Bulletin de L’Effort Moderne, March 1926, No. 23, reproduced (titled Nature morte)
Joann Moser, Daniel Robbins, Jean Metzinger in Retrospect, The University of Iowa Museum of Art, 1985, no. 214, p. 116, reproduced.