Portrait of Albert Gleizes

Catalogue Raisonné Jean Metzinger

Número: AM-11-017 Jean Metzinger

Date: 1911

Titre: Portrait of Albert Gleizes

Technique: Huile sur toile

Dimensions: 65.1 x 54.3 cm

Inscriptions: Signed (lower right)

Collection: Rhode Island School of Design RISD Museum (acquired 1966)

Provenance: Mlle Henry, Paris

Leonard Hutton Galleries, New York

Expositions: Salon de la Section d’Or, Galerie La Boëtie, Paris, 10-30 October 1912, cat. no. 120 (titled Portrait du peintre Albert Gleizes)

Cologne, Kunstverein, 1964, no. 47

New York, Hutton, 1964, p. 18, no. 50

Walthman, Rose, 1967, fig. 51

Buffalo, Albright Knox, 1967, p. 45, pl. 34

Los Angeles, LACMA, 1970, p. 76, no. 213, pl. 72

London, Tate, 1983, p. 437, no. 229

Jean Metzinger in Retrospect, The University of Iowa Museum of Art, 31 August – 13 October 1985; The Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, 10 November – 22 December 1985; The David and Alfred Smart Gallery, University of Chicago, 23 January – 9 March 1986; Carnegie Institute, Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA, 29 March – 25 May 1986

Littérature: Albert Gleizes and the Section d’Or, Leonard Hutton Galleries, New York, 28 October – 5 December 1964, exhibition catalogue, reproduced on the cover.

Jean Metzinger in Retrospect, The University of Iowa Museum of Art, 1985, no. 44, p. 55, reproduced.

Gleizes, Metzinger, du Cubisme et après, L’Adresse, Musée de la Poste, Paris, 9 May – 22 September 2012; and Musée de Lodève, 22 June – 3 November 2013, Fig. 6, p. 35, reproduced.

Ligaya, K., Yi, S., Wahle, I.A. et al. Neural mechanisms underlying the hierarchical construction of perceived aesthetic value. Springer Nature Limited, Nat Commun 14, 127 (2023), reproduced.

Notes: This major work is discussed thoroughly in Volume I of the Metzinger monograph.

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