Catalogue Raisonné Jean Metzinger

Número: AM-16-013 Jean Metzinger
Date: 1916
Titre: Nature morte au guéridon (La lamp bleue)
Technique: Huile sur toile
Dimensions: 82.2 x 63.2 cm
Collection: Ishibashi Foundation, Artizon Museum, Tokyo
Inscriptions: Signed (lower right)
Expositions: Galerie Art Vivant, Paris, Jean Metzinger, 40 peinture inédites de 1910 à 1952, 15 May – 15 June 1952, no. 38.
Arts Club of Chicago, Exhibition of Paintings by Metzinger, 1–31 October 1953, cat. no. 4.
Notes: The Galerie Art Vivant show was in effect a retrospective exhibition of forty works the artiste kept in his private collection—some rolled up in his studio at Bandol—many of which had never yet been publicly exhibited.
Pierre Courthion, in his review of the Metzinger exhibition writes of La lampe bleue: “Et quelle fraîcheur! Une toile de 1916 nous fait l’effet d’avoir été terminée aujourd’hui.”