Jean Metzinger Catalogue Raisonné

Number: AM-25-010 Jean Metzinger
Date: 1925 (May 8)
Title: Bal de la Grande Ourse (Danse, Ballets russes)
Medium: Poster
Dimensions: 49.5 x 32.5 cm
Inscriptions: The poster design bears the signature toward the lower right of the bear (pun not intended).
Notes: Poster for the Bal de la Grande Ourse, Salle Bullier, 31 avenue de l’Observatoire, Paris, 8 May 1925, organized by Union des artistes russes. Catalogue cover designs were produced by Herbin, Laurens, Larionov and Léger.
The theme of the Ball was constructivist architecture. A notice stated: “the name of the Big Dipper will not provide you with suggestions about the costume!”. Signatories included Bernouard, Brunelleschi, Bourdelle, Brancuzi, Cendrars, Chagall, Delaunay, Foujita, Gleizes, Laboureur, Soupault, Tzara, Valadon. The catalogue included illustrations by Picasso, Gontcharova, Larionov, Léger, Rodchenko, Vassilief, Melnikoff, Frenkel, etc.
In addition to the masked Ball, there were events such as performance dance called Ballet Synthétique; and the Balcon Poëtique consisting of fragments of modern poetry readings on the balcony balustrade. Other events were titled Marche dans l’éspace (Walk in Space); Orchestre invisible; and Théâtre dramatique japonais; Cake walk de Debussy; Black et green.