Jean Metzinger Catalogue Raisonné

Number: AM-17-020 Jean Metzinger
Date: 1917 (Nov.)
Title: Nature morte, cartes à jouer, tasse à café et pommes (Still Life, Playing Cards, Coffee Cup and Apples)
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 81 x 65 cm
Inscriptions: Signed (lower right). Signed, titled, and indistinctly dated November 1917 on the verso.
Provenance: Léonce Rosenberg, Galerie l’Effort Moderne, Paris
Gosta Olson, Stockholm
Sotheby & Co., London, 16 April 1975, lot 69
Galerie Louis Carré, Paris
Uniarte SA, Barcelona
Galeria Juan Olivier Fuster, Palma de Mallorca
Private collection (acquired from the above circa 1980)
Sotheby’s, London, 9 February 2005, lot 473
Exhibitions: Svensk-Franska Konstgalleriet, Stockholm, Fransk Konst, November 1937.
Svensk-Franska Konstgalleriet, Jubileum utställning, Stockholm, 1938.
Literature: Otto Carlsund, Fransk Konst i Butiker, in “Konst Revy”, no. 6, 1937, p. 200, reproduced.
Otto Carlsund, Svensk Mästare, in “Konst Revy”, no. 6, 1938, p. 208, reproduced.
Jean Clay, Del Impresionismo al arte moderno, Barcelona, 1978, reproduced.
Jean Metzinger in Retrospect, University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, 1985, no. 90, p. 73, reproduced.
Christopher Green, Cubism and its Enemies, Modern Movements and Reaction in French Art, 1916–1928, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1987, p. 29, reproduced.