Paysage d’hiver (Hiver)

Jean Metzinger Catalogue Raisonné

Number: AM-21-003 Jean Metzinger

Date: 1921 (before May)

Title: Paysage d’hiver (Hiver)

Medium: Oil on canvas

Dimensions: 81.6 x 61 cm

Inscriptions: Signed (lower left)

Provenance: Léonce Rosenberg, Galerie l’Effort Moderne, Paris.

Kunsthandel G.J Nieuwenhuizen Segaar, Amsterdam

R.S. Johnson Fine Art, Chicago

Private collection (acquired from the above circa 1980s)

Sotheby’s, New York, 14 May 2021, lot 96

Exhibitions: Maîtres du Cubisme, Galerie L’Effort Moderne, Paris, May 1921

Literature: Bulletin de L’Effort Moderne, November 1924, No. 9, reproduced (titled Paysage, dated 1921)

Joann Moser, Daniel Robbins, Jean Metzinger in Retrospect, The University of Iowa Museum of Art, 1985, catalogue, no. 174, p. 102, reproduced.

Notes: This painting was possibly exhibited at Kunsthandel Nieuwenhuizen Segaar, Amsterdam, as well as R.S. Johnson Fine Art, Chicago. Further research is required.

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