Jean Metzinger Catalogue Raisonné

Number: AM-12-020 Jean Metzinger
Date: 1912-13
Title: La fumeuse (The Smoker)
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 91.5 x 65 cm
Inscriptions: Signed towards (lower left)
Provenance: John Quinn, New York
The New Gallery, New York
Private collection, Switzerland
Exhibitions: Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas, Instituto Nacional de Cultura y Bellas Artes, Obras Cubistas y “Collages”, 1966, no. 10 (reproduced in the catalogue)
Les Cubistes, Bordeaux, Galerie des Beaux-Arts, 4 May – 1 September 1973; and Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris, 26 September – 10 November 1973, no. 157, p. 83
Il Cubismo, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Roma, 6 December 1973 – 13 January 1974, n. 79, reproduced.
Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Eine Schweizer Sammlung, Moderner Kunst 1909-1939, 2 March – 13 April 1980. Travelled to Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover, 25 April – 8 June 1980; Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, 29 June – 17 August 1980, no 67
Jean Metzinger in Retrospect, The University of Iowa Museum of Art, 31 August – 13 October 1985; The Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, 10 November – 22 December 1985; The David and Alfred Smart Gallery, University of Chicago, 23 January – 9 March 1986; Carnegie Institute, Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA, 29 March – 25 May 1986, catalogue no. 40, p. 54, reproduced in color p. 27
John Quinn, 1870-1925, Collection of paintings, watercolors, drawings & sculpture, Pigeon Hill Press, 1926, no. 75
Jean Metzinger in Retrospect, The University of Iowa Museum of Art, 1985, no. 40, p. 54, reproduced in color p. 27 (dated c. 1913-14)
A poster of La fumeuse was printed for the occasion of the Jean Metzinger in Retrospect exhibitions, 1985
The Pitt News, University of Pittsburgh, Vol. 80, Issue 77, Friday, 4 April 1986, p. 7
Notes: Photographic record: Walter Rosenblum for New Gallery, Photograph Archives, Smithsonian American Art Museum