Jean Metzinger Catalogue Raisonné

Number: AM-11-012 Jean Metzinger
Date: 1911
Title: Le Goûter (Tea Time)
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 75.9 x 70.2 cm
Collection: Philadelphia Museum of Art
Inscriptions: Signed and dated (lower right)
Provenance: R. Auclair, Paris, in 1912.
Possibly Pierre Faure, Paris, by 1930.
Unidentified dealer, c. 1936
Louise and Walter C. Arensberg, Los Angeles, through Marcel Duchamp as agent, 1936
Gift to PMA, 1950
Exhibitions: Salon d’Automne of 1911, catalogue no. 1099
Salon de La Section d’Or, Galerie La Boétie, October 1912, Paris, no. 115
Galerie des Beaux-Arts, 140 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris, “Les Créateurs du Cubisme,” March-April 1935, preface by Maurice Raynal, catalogue by Raymond Cogniat, no. 136 (Collection de M. Léonce Rosenberg).
Jean Metzinger in Retrospect, The University of Iowa Museum of Art, 31 August – 13 October 1985; The Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, 10 November – 22 December 1985; The David and Alfred Smart Gallery, University of Chicago, 23 January – 9 March 1986; Carnegie Institute, Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA, 29 March – 25 May 1986, no. 31, p. 50 (reproduced)
La Section d’or, 1912, 1920, 1925 : Le cubisme écartelé, Musées de Châteauroux, 21 September – 3 December 2000, Montpellier, Musée Fabre, 15 December 2000 – 18 March 2001. Catalogue by Cécile Debray and Françoise Lucbert, p. 229, reproduced.
Literature: Paris médical : la semaine du clinicien, 1911, n° 04, partie paramédicale, Edition : Paris : J.-B. Baillière et fils, 1911 (reproduced)
Excelsior, Paris, 30 September 1911 (reproduced)
Le Journal, 30 September 1911 (reproduced)
Fantasio, 15 October 1911 (reproduced)
La Veu de Catalunya, 1 February 1912 (detail reproduced)
Futuristes et pompiers, Lectures pour Tous, 14ème Année, No. 8, May 1912 (reproduced)
Los Angeles Evening Express, 27 May 1912, p. 13 (reproduced)
Comœdia, 13 October 1912 (detail reproduced)
The Bookfellow, the Australasian review and journal of the Australasian book trade., v. 2, no. 8, 15 August 1913 (reproduced)
Volné Směry, Issue 1, Volume 17, 1913, p. 279 (reproduced)
Arthur Jerome Eddy, Chicago, A.C. McClurg & Co., 1919 (reproduced)
The Little Review, Vol. 9, No. 1, Autumn 1922 (reproduced)
Ozenfant and Jeanneret, Le Cubisme, Première Époche, 1908-1910, L’Esprit nouveau, No. 23, 1924, reproduced
Guillaume Apollinaire, Les peintres cubistes, meditations esthétiques, Geneva, P. Cailler, 1950, no. 11 (reproduced)
John Canaday, Metropolitan seminars in art, Great periods in painting, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1959, p. 18 (reproduced)
Gleizes, Metzinger, du Cubisme et après, L’Adresse, Musée de la Poste, Paris, 9 May – 22 September 2012; and Musée de Lodève, 22 June – 3 November 2013, Fig. 5, p. 33 (reproduced)
Henderson, Linda Dalrymple, The Fourth Dimension And Non-Euclidean Geometry In Modern Art. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2013, p. 190 (reproduced)
Notes: For further information on this painting consult the Wikipedia article titled Le goûter, written and published by Alexander Mittelmann (aka Coldcreation) 8 January 2013, and the Metzinger monograph, Volume I.